After hunting season, many animals are still being killed. To stop poachers from killing anymore deer, Robo-deer was invented. In Florida, Robo-deer is being used by Fish and Wildlife Conservation officers. Officers are able to control Robo-deer's movements from up to 50 feet away, by using a remote-controlled device. If a poacher shoots Robo-deer, the officers will arrest them. Maximum penalties for poaching range between 60 days, to a year. While poaching is increasing around the world, creating new methods for catching poachers is as important as ever.
Personally, I think Robo-deer is a great idea! Unfortunately, poaching is increasing, and a lot of species are becoming extinct. With the help of Robo-deer, hopefully poaching can be stopped in Florida. I think that many other robotic animals should be invented to stop the poaching of other extinct species. This article relates to class, because without deer, the food chain will become smaller. Robo-deer can help arrest poachers, and save many more deer lives.